Learning Magician Tarot Card Meaning & Description, Free Tarot Tutorial, Taro Readings Online, Tarot Cards Predictions and Tarot Spread Interpretations By Rohit Anand New Delhi India.
Major Arcana Tarot Card: "Magician" Tarot Card Meaning and Description:
Keywords: Skills, resourceful, power of manifestation, logical, intellectual, dealing in occult, worldly experience, knowledge, meditation, concentration, Commitment to project, resources and tools, greed, deceit, manipulation and using one’s skill and ability for negative ends, magicians, illusionists etc.
Upright Magician Card Meaning : Concentration, Skills and Constructive ways, Sincere in motives, dealing in occult, Alchemy, Manifestation, Willpower, Divine inspiration, Talents, Creative Potential, Self Awareness, Focused, Self Confident.
Reversed Magician Card Meaning : Deceit, cunning, destructive, unfaithful, dishonest, lazy, scattered, Wasted Energy, Misdirected, Wrong Ways, Disgrace, Overly confident, Lack of Hard Work.
Ruling Planet : Mercury.
Archetype: Wizard
Crystals : Fire Opal and Garnet.
Chakra : Solar Plexus or Manipura Chakra.
Body Parts : Shoulder, Arms, Hands, Lungs, Nervous System, Brain.
Upright Magician Card Meaning : Concentration, Skills and Constructive ways, Sincere in motives, dealing in occult, Alchemy, Manifestation, Willpower, Divine inspiration, Talents, Creative Potential, Self Awareness, Focused, Self Confident.
Reversed Magician Card Meaning : Deceit, cunning, destructive, unfaithful, dishonest, lazy, scattered, Wasted Energy, Misdirected, Wrong Ways, Disgrace, Overly confident, Lack of Hard Work.
Ruling Planet : Mercury.
Archetype: Wizard
Crystals : Fire Opal and Garnet.
Chakra : Solar Plexus or Manipura Chakra.
Body Parts : Shoulder, Arms, Hands, Lungs, Nervous System, Brain.
As per tarot card expert Shri Rohit Anand Tarot Card of "Magician" concerned it is associated with the planet Mercury and carries with it skill, logic, ability and intellect. The Magician is the bridge between the world of the spirit and the world of humanity. His right hand holding a staff raised to the sky and his left hand pointing to the earth. He connects and takes the power of the cosmic forces in the Universe and channels it through his own body and directs it to the physical plane. Above the Magician’s head is the symbol of eternity and around his waist is a snake biting its own tail, another symbol of kundalini shakti. His magical table holds all four suits of the Tarot, each of which represents one of the four primordial elements of the alchemists – earth, air, fire and water. These symbolize the appropriate use of mind, heart, body and soul in the process of manifestation.

Magician Tarot card in the deck typically means creative energies in us or the shakti (as per Hindu
saying) in the universe and using that energy to manifest our desires on earth using the elements and resources.With the Magician Tarot card, you are inspired to apply your intelligence, knowledge, skills, ability and initiative to accomplish all your goals in the life. This is a Tarot card about manifesting your goals by utilizing the professional skills, tools at your disposal and resources that are available to you. The Magician card suggests that you will come up with new innovative ways to solve issues at hand and you will be able to use your existing wisdom, intellect, knowledge and hard work to arrive at solutions.
This is a great Tarot card for meditation too when you need to call all the nature elements for help and gain deep insight into things before you with concentration and wisdom. The Magician is also a Tarot card of deep contemplation, concentration on a specific task that is given to you or activity. You need to be focused on a single goal or purpose at this time and you need to channel all of your energy, tools and resources towards this one goal.
Major Arcana card of a Magician also reminds us that everyone one of us has the power to make a difference in our lives and that of others for the better if we believe in the impossible.Particularly if your work is in some creative fields in your job or profession or things you are good at. This is a time when your efforts and power of concentration can and work will be met with excellent results and may lead you to "bigger and better things to come." If you're in a long-term relationship with someone then the relationship will very likely seem to rise to new, deeper levels of commitment and enjoyment for both.
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