Yoga is an ancient practice that has been around for centuries and continues to be popular today. It consists of physical, mental, and spiritual practices which help promote health and wellbeing. Yoga includes various forms such as Kriya yoga, Kundalini yoga, Vinyasa flow yoga and more.
Kriya Yoga is a form of meditation focused on connecting the mind with the body through breath control techniques known as pranayamas (breathing exercises). This type of yoga helps to open up energy pathways in the body called chakras while also helping one become aware of their inner self by focusing on different aspects such as concentration or relaxation during meditation sessions. Kundalini Yoga focuses on awakening dormant energies within oneself through specific postures called Asanas (yoga poses) along with mantras/chanting used during meditations or classes led by experienced teachers who have studied this type of practice extensively over many years .
Vinyasa Flow is another popular style which combines breathing exercises with movement sequences that are synchronized together creating a flowing motion from one pose to another allowing practitioners to experience physical strength alongside mental clarity due its focus on linking breath work with postures.. There are many benefits associated with practicing these types including improved flexibility & balance; increased strength & stamina; improved posture; reduced stress levels & anxiety relief; enhanced well-being overall etc., making it suitable for all ages regardless if they’re newbies just starting out or long-term yogis looking for something new! Additionally there are plenty programs offered online/offline providing comprehensive courses in order gain deeper understanding into various styles while also learning how use them therapeutically when needed e.g., using certain postures/pranayamas can help alleviate any chronic conditions like asthma etc., so it’s important find right teacher first before embarking journey ahead!
Learning Yoga & Meditation, Yoga Free Classes Online from Certified and Top Yoga Master Shri Rohit Anand, India
Divyatattva brings to you lessons on yoga, kundalini yoga, secrets, kriya yoga, karma yoga, Jnana Yoga and online yoga classes for everyone.
Yoga And Meditation Classes In New Delhi India : Now you can learn and study yoga in India with 15 days intensive course from one of the best yoga instructors in New Delhi. Learn about yoga poses, pranayama, meditation, chakras, patanjali yoga sutras, mudras......
Yoga Postures For Immunity and Treatment of Covid 19 : Know how to boost your immunity with best yoga poses against Coronavirus, know the symptoms of disease and treatment of Covid 19 with Yoga Ayurveda and Alternative system of Medicine. What are the common symptoms of Coronavirus and you can effectively protect yourself from this highly infectious disease with Homeopathy, yoga postures and Indian herbs. Mindful meditation, pranayama can reduce the stress, anxiety among men, women and children and detoxify the lungs and body of all Virus ......
Effective Way Yoga Prevents Hair Fall, Cure Baldness & Promotes Hair Regrowth : Yoga asana, pranayama, mudras and mediation are effective ways along with right diet that can surely prevent hair loss and promote hair regrowth fast. One can reduce hair fall and and cure baldness in both men and women in all age group if one practices yoga poses daily and follow the right lifestyle. Certified yoga expert shri Rohit Anand ji has given important tips on how to stop hair fall and maintain healthy hairs. He also gives the causes of premature greying of hairs among young people and how it can be prevented....
Learn Yoga For Weight Loss, Reduce Stress & Getting Slim : Regular private yoga classes in New Delhi, India for weight loss, getting slim, reducing stress, tension and cure diseases. You will be taught the basics of yoga, benefits of mudras, transcendental meditation, mantra chanting, yoga postures, relaxation techniques, individual diet chart, ayurvedic constitution, yoga theory classes, astrological analysis of health horoscope for free......
Understanding Patanjali Yoga Sutras And Practice Of Kriya Yoga : Austerity does not mean physical torture of body or abuse or serve rigors. It refers to strict control of the senses in order to conserve energy for higher pursuits. Austerity in this means fasting occasionally, rising early to meditate instead of sleeping late, and reducing certain physical comforts for the sake of greater control of mind. Study of scriptures, yoga shastras and other spirituals works keeps the mind flowing in the desired direction. In surrendering to God's will one also surrenders the fruit of work performed. This leads to Karma Yoga, the path of selfless service, in which one regards oneself as the instrument of God, and serves humanity with no thought of either credit or blame. Ignorance, avidya, is the lack of awareness of Reality. It is identification with the temporal world rather than with the imperishable Atman........
Yoga And Meditation Classes In New Delhi India : Now you can learn and study yoga in India with 15 days intensive course from one of the best yoga instructors in New Delhi. Learn about yoga poses, pranayama, meditation, chakras, patanjali yoga sutras, mudras......
Yoga Postures For Immunity and Treatment of Covid 19 : Know how to boost your immunity with best yoga poses against Coronavirus, know the symptoms of disease and treatment of Covid 19 with Yoga Ayurveda and Alternative system of Medicine. What are the common symptoms of Coronavirus and you can effectively protect yourself from this highly infectious disease with Homeopathy, yoga postures and Indian herbs. Mindful meditation, pranayama can reduce the stress, anxiety among men, women and children and detoxify the lungs and body of all Virus ......
Effective Way Yoga Prevents Hair Fall, Cure Baldness & Promotes Hair Regrowth : Yoga asana, pranayama, mudras and mediation are effective ways along with right diet that can surely prevent hair loss and promote hair regrowth fast. One can reduce hair fall and and cure baldness in both men and women in all age group if one practices yoga poses daily and follow the right lifestyle. Certified yoga expert shri Rohit Anand ji has given important tips on how to stop hair fall and maintain healthy hairs. He also gives the causes of premature greying of hairs among young people and how it can be prevented....
Learn Yoga For Weight Loss, Reduce Stress & Getting Slim : Regular private yoga classes in New Delhi, India for weight loss, getting slim, reducing stress, tension and cure diseases. You will be taught the basics of yoga, benefits of mudras, transcendental meditation, mantra chanting, yoga postures, relaxation techniques, individual diet chart, ayurvedic constitution, yoga theory classes, astrological analysis of health horoscope for free......

Facial Yoga for Reducing Fat on Neck and Face Quickly : Here we are giving some of the best yogic exercises and yoga poses for a slim face and neck that will surely make you more attractive and confident about the way you look. Shri Rohit Anand ( Certified Yoga Teacher) gives here time tested proven methods of toning your face and neck and take away excessive cheek and neck fat quickly.These yoga exercises for slimming neck will not only help you burn fat on the face and neck naturally but also painlessly......
Kriyayoga practical Metaphysics and Five Pranas : In the ancient scriptures of India i.e. Hatha Yoga Pradipika defines prana or pranic energy as the vital force sustaining life and creation in this universe, permeating the entire creation and exist in both the macro-cosmos and the micro-cosmos and microcosm being the replica of macrocosm. It is because of the movement of prana shakti that mind seems to exist to the world and due to mind prana is in dynamic form.The prana or life energy, which appears as the different shape of all living organisms on our planet and other life forms in the universe, is nothing less than a different modification of the divine cosmic energy......
Ashtanga Yoga Of Patanjali & Raja Yoga Steps to Super Consciousness :The Yamas consists of non-injury, truthfulness, non-stealing, continence, and non-acquisitiveness.When non-violence is
firmly established, hostility vanishes in the yogi's presence".One who is firmly rooted in nonviolence radiates this conviction to others. He is powerful that not even violent thoughts can exist in his presence.When truth is fully established, the yogi attains the result of action without acting'. The words of a person who has practiced truth to the highest degree will manifest, for the words of such a person reflect the Truth of Atman.'When non-stealing becomes firmly established, all wealth comes to the yogi'. The more a yogi flees from material objects, the more they seem to come to him. The purpose of this natural law is two-fold. The first is so that he may be tested and confirmed in his renunciation. The second is so that he, as a wise person, may appropriately dispense the wealth to benefit mankind. 'When brahmcharya, or sexual continence, is firmly established, vibrant vitality...
How long should one practice Sirsasana or Paschimottanasana or Kumbhak or Maha Mudra to awaken the Kundalini?
It all depends upon the degree of purity, stage of evolution, the degree of purification of the Nadis and the Pranamaya Kosha, and the degree of Vairagya and yearning for liberation.A student starts his Sadhana from the point or stage he left in his previous birth. Some are born with account of purity and other requisites of realization on their having undergone the necessary discipline in their past life. They are born Siddhas. Guru Nanak, Jnana Dev of Alandi, Vama Dev and Ashtavakra were all adepts from their very boyhood. Guru Nanak, when he was a boy, asked his teacher in the school about the significance of OM. Vama Dev delivered lectures on Vedanta when he was dwelling in his mother's womb....
ॐ Sure Signs of Spiritual Awakening

Ashtanga Yoga Of Patanjali & Raja Yoga Steps to Super Consciousness :The Yamas consists of non-injury, truthfulness, non-stealing, continence, and non-acquisitiveness.When non-violence is
firmly established, hostility vanishes in the yogi's presence".One who is firmly rooted in nonviolence radiates this conviction to others. He is powerful that not even violent thoughts can exist in his presence.When truth is fully established, the yogi attains the result of action without acting'. The words of a person who has practiced truth to the highest degree will manifest, for the words of such a person reflect the Truth of Atman.'When non-stealing becomes firmly established, all wealth comes to the yogi'. The more a yogi flees from material objects, the more they seem to come to him. The purpose of this natural law is two-fold. The first is so that he may be tested and confirmed in his renunciation. The second is so that he, as a wise person, may appropriately dispense the wealth to benefit mankind. 'When brahmcharya, or sexual continence, is firmly established, vibrant vitality...
It all depends upon the degree of purity, stage of evolution, the degree of purification of the Nadis and the Pranamaya Kosha, and the degree of Vairagya and yearning for liberation.A student starts his Sadhana from the point or stage he left in his previous birth. Some are born with account of purity and other requisites of realization on their having undergone the necessary discipline in their past life. They are born Siddhas. Guru Nanak, Jnana Dev of Alandi, Vama Dev and Ashtavakra were all adepts from their very boyhood. Guru Nanak, when he was a boy, asked his teacher in the school about the significance of OM. Vama Dev delivered lectures on Vedanta when he was dwelling in his mother's womb....
ॐ Sure Signs of Spiritual Awakening