Pitru Paksha Shraddha Prayers Stotra Rituals For Hindus

Pitru Paksha Shraddha Prayers, Stotra, Rituals, For Hindus to obtain blessings and appease ancestors or departed souls .Pitru Paksha or पितृ पक्ष is also called as fortnight of the ancestors" is a 16–lunar day period in Hindu calendar when Hindus pay respects or homage to their ancestors or Pitrs, especially through food, prayers, ritual and offerings. According to Hindu traditions and scriptures, the south direction or celestial sphere is consecrated to the ancestors or the pitru. Therefore when the Sun transits from the north to the south celestial sphere is considered to begin a day of the ancestors when they are present in astral form, its said that souls of three preceding generations of one's ancestor reside in Pitriloka, a realm between heaven and earth. This time is considered sacred, appropriate necessitating the performance of special religious rites or Shraddha rites.

In Hindu culture, honoring and paying respect to our ancestors is considered a sacred duty. The period of Pitru Paksha, also known as the fortnight of ancestors, holds immense significance in showing gratitude towards our forefathers. During this time, performing the Pitru Paksha Shraddha Mantra alongside the prescribed rituals, known as Pitri Paksha Vidhi, is believed to provide solace to the departed souls and bestow blessings upon the living.

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Pitru Paksha Shradh, Pinda Pradan, Pitra Puja Rituals, Mantra, Prayers, Tarpana, Pinda & Danam , Pitri Paksha Vidhi, पितृपक्ष श्राद्ध तर्पण विधि 

Mantras play a pivotal role in Hindu rituals, and Pitru Paksha Shraddha is no exception. They are powerful spiritual vibrations that help in establishing a deeper connection with the souls of our ancestors. Reciting specific mantras during this time is believed to bring peace to their souls and help them in their spiritual journey. Some commonly chanted mantras during Pitru Paksha Shraddha include the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, Gayatri Mantra, and the Garuda Purana Mantra.The Pitru Paksha Shraddha Mantra is a potent chant that helps practitioners connect with their departed ancestors. The mantra is typically recited during the Pitru Paksha period, which falls on the dark fortnight of the lunar month of Bhadrapada (September-October). It is believed that the sound vibrations created by reciting this mantra resonate with the souls of our ancestors, allowing them to receive our offerings and blessings.

Tarpan Mantra for Shraddha :

Awahan or Inviting Ancestors: First invite (call) your ancestor’s spirit by praying (fold your hand) through this mantra:

“Om Aagachchantu Me Pitar Emam Grihanantu Jalaanjalim.”

Tarpan (offer Water)

Now offer Teel Mixed Water or Ganga Jal : 3 times for each one

For Father

“AmukGotrah AsmatPita AmukSharma Vasuroopastripyatamidam Teelodakam (GangaJalam Vaa) Tasmey Swadha Namah, Tasmey Swadha Namah, Tasmey Swadha Namah.”

Replace AmukGotrah with : Family Gotra

AsmatPita: Use for father

AmukSharma: Father’s Name

Teelodakam: Use if Teel is mixed with water otherwise use “GangaJalam Vaa”

Tasmey Swadha Namah 3 times while leaving (offering) water from hand

Pitru Paksha Shraddha Prayers Stotra Rituals For Hindus

Tarpan To Grand Father

Replace AsmatPita with Asmatpitamah
Replace Vasuroopastripyatamidam with Rudraroopastripyatamidam
Replace AmukSharma with Grand Father’s Name

Tarpan to Mother

“AmukGotraa Asmnamata AmukiDevi Vasuroopaa Tripyatamidam Teelodakam (GangaJalam Vaa) Tasmey Swadha Namah, Tasmey Swadha Namah, Tasmey Swadha Namah.”

It is true that mantra is a great medium for pray and offerings.
But love, attachment, feelings, sentiments, emotions, regards, Bhawana is a prime not mantras.

In Hinduism, honoring ancestors holds significant importance as it is believed that their blessings and guidance are essential for leading a prosperous life. Pitru Paksha Shraddha, also known as the fortnight of ancestors, is a sacred period dedicated to performing various rituals, prayers, mantras, and stotras for our departed loved ones. In this blog article, we delve into the depths of this revered tradition, shedding light on Pitru Paksha Shraddha prayers, mantras, and stotras practiced during this time.Stotras, or hymns of praise, are another significant aspect of Pitru Paksha Shraddha rituals. These ancient compositions are meant to glorify and honor various deities and spiritual beings. During this period, specific stotras dedicated to ancestors are recited to invoke their blessings and seek their divine intervention in our lives. Some noteworthy stotras for Pitru Paksha Shraddha include the Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram, Shiva Tandava Stotram, and the Durga Saptashati Stotram.

पितृस्तोत्र – Pitrustotra

अर्चितानाममूर्तानां पितृणां दीप्ततेजसाम् ।

नमस्यामि सदा तेषां ध्यानिनां दिव्यचक्षुषाम्।।

इन्द्रादीनां च नेतारो दक्षमारीचयोस्तथा ।

सप्तर्षीणां तथान्येषां तान् नमस्यामि कामदान् ।।

मन्वादीनां मुनीन्द्राणां सूर्याचन्द्रमसोस्तथा ।

तान् नमस्याम्यहं सर्वान् पितृनप्सूदधावपि ।।

नक्षत्राणां ग्रहाणां च वाय्वग्न्योर्नभसस्तथा।

द्यावापृथिवोव्योश्च तथा नमस्यामि कृताञ्जलि:।।

देवर्षीणां जनितृंश्च सर्वलोकनमस्कृतान्।

अक्षय्यस्य सदा दातृन् नमस्येsहं कृताञ्जलि:।।

प्रजापते: कश्यपाय सोमाय वरुणाय च ।

योगेश्वरेभ्यश्च सदा नमस्यामि कृताञ्जलि:।।

नमो गणेभ्य: सप्तभ्यस्तथा लोकेषु सप्तसु ।

स्वयम्भुवे नमस्यामि ब्रह्मणे योगचक्षुषे ।।

सोमाधारान् पितृगणान् योगमूर्तिधरांस्तथा ।

नमस्यामि तथा सोमं पितरं जगतामहम् ।।

अग्रिरूपांस्तथैवान्यान् नमस्यामि पितृनहम् ।

अग्नीषोममयं विश्वं यत एतदशेषत:।।

ये तु तेजसि ये चैते सोमसूर्याग्निमूर्तय:।

जगत्स्वरूपिणश्चैव तथा ब्रह्मस्वरूपिण:।।

तेभ्योsखिलेभ्यो योगिभ्य: पितृभ्यो यतमानस:।

नमो नमो नमस्ते मे प्रसीदन्तु स्वधाभुज:।।

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पितृ स्तोत्र के अलावा श्राद्ध के समय “पितृसूक्त” तथा “रक्षोघ्न सूक्त” का पाठ भी किया जा सकता है. इन पाठों की स्तुति से भी पितरों का आशीर्वाद सदैव व्यक्ति पर बना रहता है.

पितृसूक्त – Pitrusukta

उदीरतामवर उत्परास उन्मध्यमा: पितर: सोम्यास:।

असुं य ईयुरवृका ऋतज्ञास्ते नोsवन्तु पितरो हवेषु ।।

अंगिरसो न: पितरो नवग्वा अथर्वाणो भृगव: सोम्यास:।

तेषां वयँ सुमतौ यज्ञियानामपि भद्रे सौमनसे स्याम ।।

ये न: पूर्वे पितर: सोम्यासोsनूहिरे सोमपीथं वसिष्ठा:।

तोभिर्यम: सँ रराणो हवीँ ष्युशन्नुशद्भि: प्रतिकाममत्तु ।।

त्वँ सोम प्र चिकितो मनीषा त्वँ रजिष्ठमनु नेषि पन्थाम् ।

तव प्रणीती पितरो न इन्दो देवेषु रत्नमभजन्त धीरा: ।।

त्वया हि न: पितर: सोम पूर्वे कर्माणि चकु: पवमान धीरा:।

वन्वन्नवात: परिधी१ँ रपोर्णु वीरेभिरश्वैर्मघवा भवा न: ।।

त्वँ सोम पितृभि: संविदानोsनु द्यावापृथिवी आ ततन्थ।

तस्मै त इन्दो हविषा विधेम वयँ स्याम पतयो रयीणाम।।

बर्हिषद: पितर ऊत्यर्वागिमा वो हव्या चकृमा जुषध्वम्।

त आ गतावसा शन्तमेनाथा न: शं योररपो दधात।।

आsहं पितृन्सुविदत्रा२ँ अवित्सि नपातं च विक्रमणं च विष्णो:।

बर्हिषदो ये स्वधया सुतस्य भजन्त पितृवस्त इहागमिष्ठा:।।

उपहूता: पितर: सोम्यासो बर्हिष्येषु निधिषु प्रियेषु।

त आ गमन्तु त इह श्रुवन्त्वधि ब्रुवन्तु तेsवन्त्वस्मान् ।।

आ यन्तु न: पितर: सोम्यासोsग्निष्वात्ता: पथिभिर्देवयानै:।

अस्मिनन् यज्ञे स्वधया मदन्तोsधि ब्रुवन्तु तेsवन्त्वस्मान्।।

अग्निष्वात्ता: पितर एह गच्छत सद: सद: सदत सुप्रणीतय:।

अत्ता हवीँ षि प्रयतानि बर्हिष्यथा रयिँ सर्ववीरं दधातन ।।

ये अग्निष्वात्ता ये अनग्निष्वात्ता मध्ये दिव: स्वधया मादयन्ते ।

तेभ्य: स्वराडसुनीतिमेतां यथावशं तन्वं कल्पयाति ।।

अग्निष्वात्तानृतुमतो हवामहे नाराशँ से सोमपीथं य आशु:।

ते नो विप्रास: सुहवा भवन्तु वयँ स्याम पतयो रयीणाम् ।।

रक्षोघ्न सूक्त – Rakshoghna Sukta

कृणुष्व पाज: प्रसितिं न पृथ्वीं याहि राजेवामवाँ२ इभेन ।

तृष्वीमनु प्रसितिं द्रूणानोsस्ताsसि विध्य रक्षसस्तपिष्ठै:।।

तव भ्रमास आशुया पतन्त्यनुस्पृश धृषता शोशुचान:।

तपुँ ष्यग्ने जुह्वा पतंगानसन्दितो वि सृज विष्वगुल्का:।।

प्रति स्पशो वि सृज तूर्णितमो भवा पायुर्विशो अस्या अदब्ध:।

यो नो दूरे अघशँ सो यो अर्न्तयग्ने मा किष्टे व्यथिरा दधर्षीत्।।

उदग्ने तिष्ठ प्रत्या तनुष्व न्यमित्राँ२ ओषतात्तिग्महेते।

यो नो अरार्तिँ समिधान चक्रे नीचा तं धक्ष्यतसं न शुष्कम्।।

ऊर्ध्वो भव प्रति विध्याध्यस्मदाविष्कृणुष्व दैव्यान्यग्ने ।

अव स्थिरा तनुहि यातुजूनां जामिमजामिं प्र मृणीहि शत्रुन्।।

अग्नेष्ट्वा तेजसा सादयामि ।।

(शु. यजुर्वेद 13।9-13)

To obtain blessings of ancestors one can also recite pitra gayatri mantra.

पितृ गायत्री मंत्र-

" ॐ पितृगणाय विद्महे जगत धारिणी धीमहि तन्नो पितृो प्रचोदयात्।

ॐ देवताभ्य: पितृभ्यश्च महायोगिभ्य एव च। नम: स्वाहायै स्वधायै नित्यमेव नमो नम:।

ॐ आद्य-भूताय विद्महे सर्व-सेव्याय धीमहि। शिव-शक्ति-स्वरूपेण पितृ-देव प्रचोदयात्। "

Benefits of the Pitru Paksha Shraddha Mantra:

1. Mental and emotional healing: The chanting of the mantra helps individuals release pent-up emotions and unresolved feelings associated with the loss of loved ones. It offers solace and aids in the healing process.

2. Ancestral blessings: By reciting the mantra and performing the accompanying rituals, individuals seek the blessings of their ancestors. It is believed that these blessings bring success, prosperity, and overall well-being.

3. Strengthening family bonds: The practice of Pitru Paksha Shraddha not only honors ancestors but also strengthens the bond between family members. Coming together to perform these rituals fosters unity and a sense of belonging.

Pitri Paksha Vidhi: The Ritualistic Guidelines:

Performing the Pitri Paksha Vidhi with utmost devotion is essential to ensure the efficacy of the rituals. Here is a step-by-step guide to performing the Pitru Paksha Shraddha:

1. Identify the right day: According to astrological calculations, select a suitable day within the Pitru Paksha period for performing the Shraddha rituals. Seek guidance from a knowledgeable priest or refer to a reliable Panchang (Hindu calendar) for the accurate dates.

2. Preparation: Cleanse the sacred space where the rituals will be conducted. Arrange the necessary items such as rice, sesame seeds, flowers, fruits, sacred water, etc., for the offerings.

3. Invocation: Begin the ceremony by invoking the blessings of Lord Ganesha and seeking his guidance. This step ensures the smooth flow of energy throughout the rituals.

4. Reciting the mantra: Chant the Pitru Paksha Shraddha Mantra with utmost devotion, remembering the departed souls and offering prayers for their spiritual journey. Repeat the mantra multiple times, drawing from the depths of your heart.

5. Offerings: Place the offerings, including cooked food or Pindas, on the altar dedicated to the ancestors. These offerings symbolize nourishment for the departed souls.

6. Seeking forgiveness: During the ritual, ask for forgiveness from ancestors for any mistakes or transgressions, seeking their blessings and guidance in leading a righteous life.

Apart from prayers, mantras, and stotras, several rituals are observed during Pitru Paksha Shraddha to establish a profound connection with our ancestors. These rituals range from performing pind daan (offering rice balls) to feeding Brahmins, cows, and the poor. It is believed that these rituals help in nourishing the souls of our ancestors and seeking their blessings for the well-being of our current and future generations.Pitru Paksha Shraddha is a sacred and emotionally charged period in Hinduism, where we express our gratitude to our ancestors and seek their blessings for a prosperous life. Through prayers, mantras, and stotras, we establish a deep spiritual connection with our departed loved ones, offering them solace and spiritual support. Engaging in the rituals associated with Pitru Paksha Shraddha allows us to pay homage to our ancestors, while also recognizing the valuable role they play in our lives. 

The Pitru Paksha Shraddha Mantra holds immense significance in acknowledging and honoring our ancestors. By performing the rituals with devotion and reciting the mantra with sincerity, individuals can establish a deep connection with their departed loved ones. This auspicious period provides an opportunity to heal emotional wounds, seek blessings, and strengthen familial bonds. The Pitru Paksha Shraddha rituals enable individuals to express their gratitude towards their ancestors and make a positive impact on their spiritual journey. 

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